How it started

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It began in San Mateo in 1973 in a small Coffee Shop Run by Steve's Father, Mr. Walsh.

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Joe's Road to Coffee Roasting

in 1983, Joe took a job at Chevron Research, rekindling a love for science

An unlikely meeting at the races

Steve was working in logistics for an airfreight company, along with Big O Tires, was sponsoring a race team in the NHRA. Joe just became the driver for one of the dragsters they were sponsoring. 

The move from coffee nondrinker to coffee lover and fanatic

17 years after Steve and Joe met, during a casual conversation, Joe told Steve that he doesn't drink coffee, and never really liked it. Joe liked everything about coffee i.e. the smell of roasted coffee, brewed coffee, tiramisu, coffee ice cream, coffee liqueur, etc., just not the drink. Steve asked "when was the last time you tried coffee?" Joe replied, about 1983! Steve said "You just haven't had good coffee!" Steve roasted some coffee at his house and sent it to Joe. Apprehensive, Joe brewed some up. It smelled great, but would he like the taste? After the first sip, he was hooked!! 

From Coffee Lover to Master Roaster

Not being able to find coffee off the shelf that compared to Steve's fresh roasted coffee, Joe began to talk to Steve about how to roast coffee on his own.